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My name is Yining Chen currently a master student of mathematics in the University of Bonn. You can also find some information in my Zhihu page (a Chinese cummunity) where I write some posts about mathematics. But note that it’s in Chinese.
My email: yining_chen@uni-bonn.de
- Spet. 2019 – June 2023: B.Sc in the class of Loo-Keng Hua of Shandong University
- Spet. 2022 – June 2023: M1 in the Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
- Oct. 2023 – Ongoing: Master of Mathematics in the University of Bonn
I’m interested in the intersection of algebraic geometry and homotopy theory, especially derived algebraic geometry and its applications to other fields like geometric Langlands program, symplectic geometry and so on.